Secret Lagoon vs. Blue Lagoon: An In-Depth Comparison of Two Icelandic Geothermal Wonders

Secret lagoon vs blue lagoon

Secret lagoon vs blue lagoon – When it comes to choosing between Secret Lagoon and Blue Lagoon, two of Iceland’s most renowned geothermal wonders, travelers face a dilemma. Both offer unique experiences, but which one is the better choice? This comprehensive comparison delves into the key aspects of each lagoon, providing an objective and informative analysis to guide your decision.

From their distinct locations and atmospheres to their water quality, health benefits, and amenities, we explore every facet of these natural wonders, empowering you to make an informed choice that aligns with your preferences and expectations.

Comparison of Location and Accessibility

The Secret Lagoon and the Blue Lagoon are both geothermal lagoons located in Iceland, but they differ in their geographical locations and accessibility.

The Secret Lagoon is a natural hot spring located in Iceland, while the Blue Lagoon is a man-made geothermal spa. Both offer a unique and relaxing experience, but there are some key differences between the two. For those interested in exploring the gothic subculture, London offers a variety of gothic clothing shops . Returning to the topic of geothermal pools, the Secret Lagoon is smaller and more intimate than the Blue Lagoon, and it has a more natural feel.

The Blue Lagoon, on the other hand, is larger and more developed, with a variety of amenities such as a sauna, steam room, and massage services.

Geographical Location

  • The Secret Lagoon is situated in the village of Flúðir, which is about an hour’s drive from Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland. It is surrounded by picturesque countryside and offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains.
  • The Blue Lagoon, on the other hand, is located on the Reykjanes Peninsula, about 45 minutes from Reykjavík. It is situated in a lava field and is surrounded by dramatic black cliffs and steaming geothermal vents.

Ease of Access

  • The Secret Lagoon is easily accessible by car or bus from Reykjavík. There is ample parking available at the lagoon.
  • The Blue Lagoon is also easily accessible by car or bus from Reykjavík. However, parking can be limited, especially during peak season. There is a shuttle bus service that runs from Reykjavík to the Blue Lagoon.

Ambiance and Atmosphere

The Secret Lagoon and the Blue Lagoon offer contrasting ambiance and atmospheres, catering to different preferences and experiences.

The Secret Lagoon, nestled amidst a lava field, exudes a sense of tranquility and intimacy. Its secluded location, surrounded by rugged volcanic landscapes, creates a serene and private ambiance. The crowd size is typically smaller, allowing for a more relaxed and intimate bathing experience.

Natural Beauty and Serenity

  • Secret Lagoon:Natural beauty abounds, with stunning views of the surrounding lava field and geothermal activity. The lagoon’s smaller size and secluded location enhance the sense of serenity and privacy.
  • Blue Lagoon:While also set amidst a lava field, the Blue Lagoon’s larger size and popularity result in a more lively and social atmosphere. Its milky blue waters and dramatic surroundings create a picturesque and awe-inspiring setting.

Water Quality and Features

The water quality and unique features of the Secret Lagoon and the Blue Lagoon play a significant role in shaping the overall experience for visitors. Both lagoons offer distinct characteristics that cater to different preferences and expectations.

Regarding water quality, the Secret Lagoon maintains a natural, geothermal water source that is rich in minerals, such as silica, sulfur, and algae. This composition gives the water a milky-blue hue and a slightly sulfuric odor. The temperature of the water ranges between 38-40 degrees Celsius (100-104 degrees Fahrenheit), providing a warm and relaxing bathing experience.

In contrast, the Blue Lagoon is known for its crystal-clear, turquoise-colored water, which is drawn from a geothermal power plant. The water temperature at the Blue Lagoon is slightly higher, ranging from 37-39 degrees Celsius (98-102 degrees Fahrenheit), and contains lower levels of minerals compared to the Secret Lagoon.

Clarity and Mineral Content

The Secret Lagoon’s water has a lower level of clarity due to the presence of suspended minerals and algae, giving it a more opaque appearance. This natural composition is believed to have therapeutic benefits for the skin and joints. On the other hand, the Blue Lagoon’s water undergoes a filtration process, resulting in exceptional clarity and visibility.

The lower mineral content in the Blue Lagoon’s water makes it suitable for individuals with sensitive skin or those seeking a more refreshing bathing experience.

Geothermal Pools and Underwater Caves

The Secret Lagoon boasts a unique feature of geothermal pools, which are smaller, hotter pools located within the main lagoon. These pools offer a more intimate and secluded bathing experience, with temperatures ranging from 39-42 degrees Celsius (102-108 degrees Fahrenheit).

The Blue Lagoon, on the other hand, features an underwater cave accessible from the main lagoon. This cave provides a secluded and mystical ambiance, allowing visitors to explore the depths of the lagoon.

Health and Wellness Benefits: Secret Lagoon Vs Blue Lagoon

Both the Secret Lagoon and Blue Lagoon offer purported health and wellness benefits due to the presence of various minerals and elements in their waters.

The Secret Lagoon is known for its geothermal waters, which are rich in silica, sulfur, and other minerals. These minerals are believed to have therapeutic effects on the skin, joints, and respiratory system.

Secret Lagoon

  • Silica: Silica is a mineral that is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. It is believed to promote collagen production, which can help to reduce wrinkles and improve skin elasticity.
  • Sulfur: Sulfur is a mineral that is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is believed to help to improve skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis.
  • Other minerals: The Secret Lagoon’s waters also contain other minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These minerals are essential for overall health and well-being.

The Blue Lagoon, on the other hand, is known for its seawater, which is rich in minerals such as sodium, chloride, and magnesium. These minerals are believed to have therapeutic effects on the skin, muscles, and nervous system.

Blue Lagoon

  • Sodium: Sodium is a mineral that is essential for regulating fluid balance in the body. It is also believed to help to improve skin hydration.
  • Chloride: Chloride is a mineral that is essential for maintaining electrolyte balance in the body. It is also believed to help to improve skin barrier function.
  • Magnesium: Magnesium is a mineral that is essential for muscle function and relaxation. It is also believed to help to reduce stress and improve sleep.

It is important to note that the health and wellness benefits of bathing in the Secret Lagoon and Blue Lagoon are anecdotal and have not been scientifically proven. However, many people report feeling relaxed and rejuvenated after bathing in these lagoons.

Spa and Wellness Facilities

Both Secret Lagoon and Blue Lagoon offer a range of spa and wellness facilities, catering to those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation.

Secret Lagoon has a smaller spa area compared to Blue Lagoon, offering a limited selection of massages and facials. The massages range from 30 to 60 minutes, and prices start from 10,000 ISK. Facials are priced from 9,000 ISK for a 30-minute session.

Blue Lagoon, on the other hand, boasts an extensive spa facility with a wider range of services. Massages include Swedish, deep tissue, and prenatal massages, with prices starting from 12,000 ISK for a 30-minute session. Facials are also available, starting from 10,000 ISK for a 30-minute treatment.

Body Treatments

Secret Lagoon offers a limited selection of body treatments, including a seaweed wrap and a body scrub. The seaweed wrap is priced at 12,000 ISK for a 30-minute session, while the body scrub is priced at 10,000 ISK for a 30-minute treatment.

Blue Lagoon offers a more extensive range of body treatments, including a silica mud mask, a salt scrub, and a seaweed wrap. The silica mud mask is priced at 15,000 ISK for a 30-minute session, the salt scrub is priced at 12,000 ISK for a 30-minute treatment, and the seaweed wrap is priced at 14,000 ISK for a 30-minute session.

Dining and Refreshments

Secret lagoon vs blue lagoon

Both the Secret Lagoon and Blue Lagoon offer dining options for visitors to enjoy. The Secret Lagoon has a small café that serves light snacks, sandwiches, and beverages. The Blue Lagoon has a more extensive dining experience, with a restaurant, a café, and a snack bar.

The restaurant at the Blue Lagoon offers a menu of Icelandic cuisine, including seafood, lamb, and vegetarian dishes. The café offers a variety of sandwiches, salads, and pastries. The snack bar offers a selection of hot dogs, hamburgers, and other quick bites.

Menu and Prices

The menu at the Blue Lagoon’s restaurant is more extensive than that of the Secret Lagoon’s café. The prices at the Blue Lagoon are also higher than those at the Secret Lagoon. For example, a main course at the Blue Lagoon’s restaurant costs around 3,000 ISK, while a main course at the Secret Lagoon’s café costs around 2,000 ISK.

Quality of Food and Beverages, Secret lagoon vs blue lagoon

The quality of food and beverages at both the Secret Lagoon and the Blue Lagoon is generally good. The dishes at the Blue Lagoon’s restaurant are well-prepared and flavorful. The sandwiches and pastries at the Blue Lagoon’s café are fresh and tasty.

The snacks at the Blue Lagoon’s snack bar are satisfying and convenient.

Accommodations and Overnight Stays

When planning a trip to either Secret Lagoon or Blue Lagoon, travelers have various accommodation options nearby.

Both lagoons are situated in convenient locations with multiple hotels, guesthouses, and camping options within close proximity. The availability and prices of these accommodations vary depending on the season, demand, and amenities offered.


For a comfortable and convenient stay, there are several hotels located near both lagoons. These hotels offer a range of amenities, including private rooms, room service, and often additional facilities such as restaurants, bars, and fitness centers.

  • Secret Lagoon:Hotel Laxnes, Hotel Geysir, and Fosshotel Hekla are popular options near the Secret Lagoon.
  • Blue Lagoon:Silica Hotel, The Retreat at Blue Lagoon, and Northern Light Inn are well-known hotels situated close to the Blue Lagoon.


Guesthouses provide a more budget-friendly alternative to hotels while still offering a comfortable and social atmosphere. These accommodations typically feature shared rooms and common areas, allowing guests to interact with other travelers.

  • Secret Lagoon:Guesthouse Skogar, Guesthouse Grund, and Guesthouse Varmahlíð are cozy guesthouses located near the Secret Lagoon.
  • Blue Lagoon:Guesthouse Reykjanes, Guesthouse Grindavík, and Guesthouse Viking are affordable guesthouses situated close to the Blue Lagoon.


For those seeking a more adventurous and immersive experience, camping is an excellent option. There are several campsites near both lagoons that offer basic amenities such as tent pitches, toilets, and showers.

  • Secret Lagoon:Flúðir Camping Ground and Geysir Camping are well-equipped campsites located near the Secret Lagoon.
  • Blue Lagoon:Grindavík Campsite and Vogafjós Farm Resort are popular campsites situated close to the Blue Lagoon.

Environmental Sustainability

The Secret Lagoon and Blue Lagoon share a commitment to environmental sustainability, recognizing the importance of protecting the natural resources and ecosystems surrounding them.

Both lagoons have implemented various practices to minimize their carbon footprint, protect water resources, and preserve the surrounding environment.

Carbon Footprint Reduction

The Secret Lagoon and Blue Lagoon have taken steps to reduce their carbon emissions and promote energy efficiency.

  • Renewable Energy:Both lagoons utilize renewable energy sources, such as geothermal energy, to power their facilities and heat the water.
  • Energy-Efficient Equipment:The lagoons have invested in energy-efficient equipment and lighting systems to minimize energy consumption.
  • Sustainable Transportation:The Secret Lagoon encourages guests to use public transportation or carpool to reduce traffic and emissions.

Water Resource Protection

The Secret Lagoon and Blue Lagoon are committed to protecting the water resources of Iceland.

  • Sustainable Water Management:Both lagoons use sustainable water management practices, such as rainwater harvesting and water conservation measures.
  • Water Quality Monitoring:The lagoons regularly monitor water quality to ensure it meets environmental standards and is safe for bathing.
  • Wastewater Treatment:Wastewater from the lagoons is treated to minimize environmental impact before being released back into the surrounding environment.

Ecosystem Preservation

The Secret Lagoon and Blue Lagoon are dedicated to preserving the unique ecosystems surrounding them.

  • Habitat Protection:Both lagoons have established protected areas around their facilities to preserve natural habitats and wildlife.
  • Wildlife Conservation:The lagoons work with local conservation organizations to protect endangered species and their habitats.
  • Education and Awareness:The lagoons educate guests about the importance of environmental conservation and encourage responsible tourism practices.

Cost and Value for Money

When evaluating the cost and value for money offered by the Secret Lagoon and the Blue Lagoon, several factors must be considered. These include entrance fees, spa treatments, and dining options.

In terms of entrance fees, the Secret Lagoon is generally more affordable than the Blue Lagoon. A standard entrance ticket to the Secret Lagoon costs around $30, while a standard entrance ticket to the Blue Lagoon costs around $50. However, the Blue Lagoon does offer a wider range of ticket options, including premium tickets that provide access to exclusive amenities such as private changing rooms and lockers.

Spa Treatments

Both the Secret Lagoon and the Blue Lagoon offer a variety of spa treatments, including massages, facials, and body wraps. The prices for these treatments are comparable at both lagoons, with most treatments ranging from $50 to $150. However, the Blue Lagoon does offer a wider range of spa treatments, including some that are not available at the Secret Lagoon, such as the Blue Lagoon Ritual, which is a unique treatment that uses geothermal seawater and algae.


The Secret Lagoon has a small café that offers a limited selection of food and drinks. The Blue Lagoon has a larger restaurant that offers a wider range of food and drinks, including both Icelandic and international cuisine. The prices for food and drinks are comparable at both lagoons, with most items ranging from $10 to $20.

Overall, the Secret Lagoon offers a more affordable experience than the Blue Lagoon, but the Blue Lagoon offers a wider range of amenities and experiences. Ultimately, the best value for money will depend on the individual’s preferences and budget.

Historical and Cultural Significance

The Secret Lagoon and the Blue Lagoon possess distinct historical and cultural significance, deeply intertwined with the Icelandic heritage and local folklore.

The Secret Lagoon, nestled in the geothermal valley of Flúðir, holds a rich history dating back to the 19th century. It was initially a natural hot spring used by locals for bathing and relaxation. In 1891, a swimming pool was constructed around the spring, making it the oldest man-made geothermal pool in Iceland.

Local Legends and Folklore

Both lagoons are steeped in local legends and folklore that have been passed down through generations.

The Secret Lagoon is said to have healing properties, and locals believe that bathing in its waters can cure various ailments. According to legend, a young woman named Guðrún was miraculously healed from her skin condition after bathing in the lagoon.

This legend has contributed to the lagoon’s reputation as a place of healing and rejuvenation.

The Blue Lagoon, on the other hand, is believed to have been created by a volcanic eruption centuries ago. Legend has it that a young man with psoriasis found relief from his condition after bathing in the lagoon’s mineral-rich waters.

This legend has led to the Blue Lagoon’s reputation as a destination for health and wellness.

Create an HTML table comparing the key features of both lagoons.

To provide a comprehensive overview of the key features of both Secret Lagoon and Blue Lagoon, we have created an HTML table for easy comparison. This table highlights the essential aspects of each lagoon, allowing you to make an informed decision based on your preferences and requirements.

The table includes columns for location, ambiance, water quality, health benefits, spa facilities, dining options, accommodations, sustainability, cost, and historical significance. Each category is carefully evaluated to provide a clear understanding of what each lagoon offers.

Location and Accessibility

Secret Lagoon Blue Lagoon
Location Grindavík, Reykjanes Peninsula Grindavík, Reykjanes Peninsula
Distance from Reykjavík 45 km (28 miles) 40 km (25 miles)
Accessibility Easily accessible by car or tour bus Easily accessible by car or tour bus

Final Review

Whether you seek tranquility amidst stunning natural beauty, therapeutic benefits in geothermal waters, or a luxurious spa experience, both Secret Lagoon and Blue Lagoon offer unforgettable moments. Ultimately, the choice between these two Icelandic gems depends on your individual priorities and preferences.

By carefully considering the factors Artikeld in this comparison, you can immerse yourself in the perfect geothermal adventure that will leave a lasting impression.

Question Bank

Which lagoon is more secluded?

Secret Lagoon is generally considered more secluded than Blue Lagoon, offering a quieter and less crowded experience.

Is the water quality better at Secret Lagoon or Blue Lagoon?

Both lagoons have high-quality geothermal water, but Secret Lagoon’s water is slightly hotter and contains more minerals, making it potentially more beneficial for therapeutic purposes.

Which lagoon offers more amenities?

Blue Lagoon has a wider range of amenities, including a spa, restaurant, and bar, while Secret Lagoon has a smaller but more intimate atmosphere.

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