How Much to Tip in Egypt All-Inclusive: A Comprehensive Guide for Travelers

How much to tip in egypt all inclusive

How much to tip in egypt all inclusive – Tipping in Egypt, particularly at all-inclusive resorts, can be a perplexing aspect of travel. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of tipping practices in Egypt, providing insights into expected tip amounts, cultural norms, and appropriate etiquette. By understanding these nuances, travelers can navigate the tipping landscape confidently, ensuring they show their appreciation while respecting local customs.

In Egypt, tipping is generally expected and considered a way to express gratitude for services rendered. At all-inclusive resorts, where most expenses are covered in the package, tipping is still customary to recognize exceptional service and acknowledge the hard work of staff members.

Tipping Customs in Egypt

Tipping is a common practice in Egypt, and it is generally expected in all-inclusive resorts. The amount you tip will vary depending on the service you receive, but it is typically around 10-15% of the bill.

Tipping at All-Inclusive Resorts

At all-inclusive resorts, you will likely be tipping the following people:

  • Waiters and waitresses
  • Bartenders
  • Housekeeping staff
  • Bellhops
  • Concierge

The amount you tip each person will vary depending on the level of service you receive, but it is generally recommended to tip around $1-2 per person per day for waiters and waitresses, bartenders, and housekeeping staff. You can tip bellhops and the concierge a little more, around $2-5 per person.

Tipping for Staff

Tipping is customary in Egypt, and it is a way to show your appreciation for good service. The recommended tip amounts vary depending on the type of service and the quality of the service.

Here is a breakdown of recommended tip amounts for various staff members:

Waiters and Bartenders

  • For good service, a tip of 10-15% of the bill is customary.
  • For exceptional service, a tip of 15-20% is appropriate.


  • For daily housekeeping, a tip of 1-2 Egyptian pounds per day is customary.
  • For special services, such as laundry or dry cleaning, a tip of 5-10 Egyptian pounds is appropriate.

Tour Guides

  • For a half-day tour, a tip of 50-100 Egyptian pounds is customary.
  • For a full-day tour, a tip of 100-150 Egyptian pounds is appropriate.

Tipping for Activities and Services

When engaging in specific activities or utilizing services within the resort, such as spa treatments, excursions, or water sports, it’s customary to offer a tip to the individuals providing the service. The amount of the tip should be commensurate with the level of service provided and the quality of the experience.

Spa Treatments

Spa treatments often involve personalized attention and specialized skills. For a 60-minute massage or facial, a tip of 10-15% of the treatment cost is considered appropriate. For more extensive treatments or exceptional service, a higher tip of up to 20% may be warranted.


Excursions typically involve a guide or driver who provides commentary and facilitates the experience. For half-day or full-day excursions, a tip of $5-$10 per person is customary. If the guide goes above and beyond, a higher tip of $15-$20 per person may be appropriate.

Water Sports, How much to tip in egypt all inclusive

Water sports activities, such as snorkeling or jet skiing, often involve instructors or guides. A tip of $5-$10 per person for a short activity or $10-$20 per person for a longer or more involved activity is considered standard.

Tipping Etiquette

Tipping in Egypt is a customary practice that shows appreciation for services rendered. While it is not mandatory, it is generally expected and considered polite. Here are some guidelines to help you navigate tipping etiquette in Egypt:

Methods of Payment:

  • Cash:The most common method of tipping in Egypt is to give cash directly to the service provider.
  • Local Currency:It is best to tip in Egyptian pounds (EGP) to avoid confusion or currency conversion issues.

When to Tip:

  • After receiving a service:Tip after you have received the service, rather than before.
  • At your discretion:The amount you tip is up to you, based on the quality of service and your budget.

Cultural Norms and Expectations:

  • Not mandatory:Tipping is not mandatory in Egypt, but it is appreciated.
  • Appreciation:Tipping is seen as a way to show appreciation for good service.
  • No need to overtip:While tipping is expected, it is not necessary to overtip. A small gesture of appreciation is sufficient.

Tipping in Different Situations

Tipping practices can vary depending on the situation. Here are some guidelines to consider:

Large Groups

For groups of 6 or more, a gratuity of 10-15% is typically added to the bill automatically. If service is exceptional, an additional tip of 5-10% is appreciated.

Special Occasions

For special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries, a more generous tip of 15-20% is appropriate to show appreciation for the enhanced service.

Poor Service

In cases of poor service, it’s acceptable to reduce the tip or even refrain from tipping altogether. However, it’s important to communicate your concerns to the manager to allow for improvement.

Situations Where Tipping is Not Expected or Appreciated

In certain situations, tipping may not be expected or even appreciated. These include:

  • Purchasing goods at a store or market
  • Using public transportation
  • Receiving free services, such as directions from a local

Alternative Forms of Appreciation

Beyond monetary tips, there are several alternative ways to express appreciation for the exceptional service you receive in Egypt.

Gestures of gratitude, such as compliments or thank-you notes, can be highly valued by staff. A genuine compliment can boost their morale and show that you appreciate their hard work. A handwritten thank-you note is a thoughtful way to express your gratitude and provide specific feedback on the service you received.

Personalized Gifts

Small, personalized gifts can be a meaningful way to show appreciation. Consider gifting something that reflects the local culture or is unique to Egypt, such as a traditional souvenir or a piece of handmade jewelry.

Social Media Recognition

In today’s digital age, social media can be a powerful tool for expressing appreciation. Leaving a positive review or sharing your experience on platforms like TripAdvisor or Google Reviews can not only benefit the staff but also help future travelers make informed decisions.

Tipping for Non-All-Inclusive Stays

Tipping practices in Egypt vary depending on the type of accommodation and services provided. For guests staying in non-all-inclusive hotels, tipping is customary and expected for various services. The expected tip amounts may differ from those in all-inclusive resorts.

Expected Tip Amounts

In non-all-inclusive accommodations, it is generally expected to tip for the following services:

  • Bellhops: 5-10 Egyptian pounds per bag
  • Housekeeping: 10-20 Egyptian pounds per day
  • Waiters and bartenders: 10-15% of the bill
  • Tour guides: 50-100 Egyptian pounds per day
  • Taxi drivers: 10-15% of the fare

It’s important to note that these are just guidelines, and the actual tip amount may vary based on the quality of service and your personal preferences.

Cultural Considerations

How much to tip in egypt all inclusive

Tipping in Egypt is not merely a monetary gesture but holds cultural significance. It is a way to express gratitude and show respect for services rendered, acknowledging the effort and dedication of those who serve you.

In Egyptian culture, hospitality is highly valued, and tipping is seen as a token of appreciation for the warmth and kindness extended to visitors. By offering a tip, you demonstrate your understanding and respect for local customs and show that you value the service you have received.

Tipping as a Form of Respect

Tipping in Egypt is not considered a form of entitlement but rather a gesture of respect and appreciation. It is a way to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of service staff who often go above and beyond to ensure your comfort and satisfaction.

By offering a tip, you show that you recognize and value their efforts, fostering a positive and respectful relationship between you and the service provider.

Personalization and Discretion: How Much To Tip In Egypt All Inclusive

When determining tip amounts, it is crucial to consider the quality of service you received. Excellent service warrants a higher tip, while poor service may justify a lower one. Additionally, avoid excessive tipping, as it can create an uncomfortable situation and set unrealistic expectations for future guests.

When considering how much to tip in Egypt all inclusive, it’s helpful to compare it to other destinations. For instance, in five-star hotels in West End London, five star hotels in west end london , tipping is generally 10-15%. This can provide a frame of reference when determining an appropriate tip amount in Egypt all inclusive.

Role of Discretion

Tipping should be done discreetly and without any expectation of receiving special treatment in return. Avoid making a show of your tip or discussing it with others, as this can create an awkward atmosphere. Instead, simply hand the tip to the recipient in a private manner.


Tipping in Egypt is an essential aspect of showing appreciation for the warm hospitality and excellent services offered at all-inclusive resorts. By following the guidelines Artikeld in this guide, travelers can ensure they tip appropriately, enhancing their travel experience while respecting local customs and fostering positive relationships with the staff.

Remember, a thoughtful tip, accompanied by a genuine smile and a heartfelt thank you, can make a significant difference in the lives of those who work tirelessly to make your vacation memorable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is tipping mandatory at all-inclusive resorts in Egypt?

While not mandatory, tipping is customary and greatly appreciated by staff members.

How much should I tip staff at an all-inclusive resort in Egypt?

Recommended tip amounts vary depending on the service provided. For example, a typical tip for a waiter or bartender is 10-15 Egyptian pounds (EGP) per day, while a tour guide may receive 50-100 EGP per tour.

Is it appropriate to tip in US dollars at all-inclusive resorts in Egypt?

Yes, US dollars are widely accepted at all-inclusive resorts in Egypt, but it is recommended to also carry some local currency for smaller tips.

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