How Long to Drive Across Australia: A Comprehensive Guide

How long to drive across australia

How long to drive across Australia is a question that sparks both curiosity and a sense of adventure. Embark on an epic journey spanning vast distances, diverse landscapes, and captivating experiences. This guide delves into the intricacies of driving across the vast expanse of Australia, providing essential information and insights to ensure a safe, memorable, and enriching road trip.

From understanding the total distance and estimated driving time to exploring the various route options and their advantages, this guide equips you with the knowledge to plan your adventure effectively. Discover the impact of the time of year and weather conditions on your journey, ensuring you choose the optimal time to traverse the continent.

Total Distance and Time Required

The vast expanse of Australia makes driving across the country a significant undertaking. The total distance involved depends on the specific route taken, but generally ranges between 12,000 to 14,000 kilometers (7,500 to 8,700 miles).

Considering an average driving speed of 80 kilometers per hour (50 miles per hour) and allowing for rest stops and breaks, the estimated driving time across Australia can vary from 150 to 175 hours. This equates to approximately six to seven days of continuous driving, excluding any additional time for sightseeing or unexpected delays.

Planning for Distance and Time

To ensure a safe and enjoyable journey, it is crucial to plan carefully and allow sufficient time for driving. Factors such as weather conditions, road closures, and vehicle maintenance can affect the overall travel time. Regular rest stops are essential to prevent fatigue and maintain focus while driving.

  • Plan your route:Determine the starting and ending points of your journey, and research the most suitable route based on distance, road conditions, and attractions.
  • Estimate driving time:Calculate the approximate driving time based on the distance and average speed, factoring in rest stops and potential delays.
  • Allow for flexibility:Anticipate unexpected events such as traffic, roadworks, or weather-related delays. Plan for additional time to accommodate these potential disruptions.
  • Take regular breaks:Schedule regular rest stops to prevent fatigue and improve concentration. Rest areas and roadside attractions can provide opportunities to stretch, refuel, and explore the surroundings.

Route Options and Distances: How Long To Drive Across Australia

Australia’s vast size offers several route options for driving across the country. Each route presents unique advantages and disadvantages, varying in distance and driving time.

North-South Routes

The north-south routes traverse the country’s central and eastern regions. They provide access to major cities, national parks, and iconic landmarks.

  • Stuart Highway:Adelaide to Darwin (2,834 km, 30-35 hours)
  • Eyre Highway:Adelaide to Perth (2,700 km, 27-30 hours)
  • Pacific Highway:Sydney to Brisbane (913 km, 9-11 hours)

East-West Routes

The east-west routes connect Australia’s eastern and western coasts. They offer diverse landscapes, from arid deserts to lush forests.

  • Trans-Australian Railway:Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie (1,695 km, 20-22 hours)
  • Great Central Road:Laverton to Uluru (1,112 km, 13-15 hours)
  • Nullarbor Plain:Ceduna to Eucla (1,265 km, 15-17 hours)

Advantages and Disadvantages

The choice of route depends on individual preferences, time constraints, and desired experiences. North-south routes offer access to major cities and attractions but may require longer driving times. East-west routes showcase diverse landscapes but can be more remote and challenging to navigate.

Time of Year and Weather Conditions

The time of year you choose to drive across Australia can significantly impact your driving conditions and the time it takes to complete your journey. Australia has a vast and diverse climate, with tropical conditions in the north, temperate conditions in the south, and arid conditions in the center.

As such, the weather you encounter can vary greatly depending on the time of year and the route you take.

During the summer months (December to February), temperatures in the north of Australia can soar into the 40s (Celsius), making driving in these regions uncomfortable and potentially dangerous. Additionally, the summer months are also the wet season in the north, so you may encounter heavy rainfall and flooding, which can make roads impassable.

In the south, summer temperatures are more moderate, but you may still encounter extreme heat, particularly in inland areas.

Potential Weather Delays

In addition to extreme heat and rainfall, there are a number of other weather conditions that can cause delays when driving across Australia. These include:

  • Cyclones:Cyclones are tropical storms that can bring high winds, heavy rain, and flooding. Cyclones are most common in the north of Australia during the summer months.
  • Floods:Floods can occur anywhere in Australia, but they are most common in the north and east during the wet season. Floods can wash out roads and bridges, making them impassable.
  • Extreme heat:Extreme heat can make driving dangerous, as it can lead to fatigue and dehydration. Extreme heat is most common in the inland areas of Australia during the summer months.

Vehicle Considerations

When planning a cross-Australia road trip, choosing the right vehicle is crucial for a safe and enjoyable journey. Factors to consider include fuel efficiency, reliability, and off-road capabilities.

Fuel Efficiency

Australia’s vast distances necessitate a fuel-efficient vehicle to minimize expenses. Diesel vehicles generally offer better fuel economy than gasoline vehicles. Consider vehicles with a low fuel consumption rating or hybrid technology.


A reliable vehicle is essential for a long and arduous journey. Opt for vehicles with a proven track record of reliability and durability. Research online reviews, consult consumer reports, and consider vehicles with extended warranties.

Off-Road Capabilities

While most of Australia’s highways are well-maintained, you may encounter unsealed or rugged roads. If planning off-road excursions, choose a vehicle with adequate ground clearance, four-wheel drive, and appropriate tires.

Recommended Vehicle Types

* SUVs:Offer a balance of fuel efficiency, reliability, and off-road capabilities.


Ideal for extended off-road driving, but may be less fuel-efficient.


Provide sleeping and living accommodations, but can be more expensive and less maneuverable.

Planning and Preparation

How long to drive across australia

Thorough planning and preparation are essential for a successful and safe long drive across Australia. Proper preparation ensures you have the necessary resources, knowledge, and strategies to handle the challenges of extended driving and the unpredictable nature of the Australian outback.

Before embarking on your journey, it is crucial to create a comprehensive plan that includes detailed route planning, vehicle preparation, and packing essential supplies. Additionally, developing strategies for managing fatigue and staying alert during long driving days is vital for maintaining focus and ensuring safety.

Essential Items to Pack

  • Detailed maps and a GPS device or navigation app
  • Tool kit with basic tools for minor repairs
  • First-aid kit and basic medical supplies
  • Emergency supplies such as flares, reflective triangles, and a whistle
  • Adequate food and water
  • Comfortable clothing and footwear
  • Sunscreen and insect repellent
  • Entertainment items such as books, music, or podcasts

Managing Fatigue and Staying Alert

  • Plan regular breaks every 2-3 hours to stretch, rest, and rehydrate.
  • Avoid driving during the hottest part of the day, typically between 11 am and 3 pm.
  • Get enough sleep before starting your journey and during overnight stops.
  • Consider sharing driving responsibilities with a companion or taking turns driving.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water or electrolyte-rich beverages.

Fuel Availability and Costs

When driving across Australia, planning your fuel stops in advance is crucial. Fuel availability and costs can vary significantly depending on the route you take and the time of year.

Along the major highways, fuel is generally available at regular intervals. However, on remote roads and in outback areas, fuel stations may be scarce. It’s important to fill up whenever possible and carry extra fuel in a jerrycan for emergencies.

Fuel Costs

Fuel costs in Australia fluctuate based on global oil prices and local taxes. Generally, fuel is more expensive in remote areas and during peak tourist seasons. Diesel fuel is typically cheaper than gasoline.

Strategies for Conserving Fuel

  • Drive at a steady speed, avoiding sudden acceleration and braking.
  • Use cruise control on highways to maintain optimal fuel efficiency.
  • Keep your vehicle well-maintained, including regular tire rotations and oil changes.
  • Reduce unnecessary weight in your vehicle.
  • Consider using fuel-efficient vehicles or alternative fuels like LPG or diesel.

Road Conditions and Safety

How long to drive across australia

Australia’s road network spans over 800,000 kilometers, ranging from well-maintained highways to remote and unsealed roads. While major highways are generally in good condition, the quality of roads in remote areas can vary significantly, especially during and after wet weather.

Potential hazards to be aware of while driving in Australia include:


Australia is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including kangaroos, emus, and wallabies. These animals can often be found near or on roads, particularly at dawn and dusk. Collisions with wildlife can cause serious damage to vehicles and pose a significant safety risk.


Livestock, such as cattle and sheep, are also common on Australian roads, especially in rural areas. They can be unpredictable and may wander onto the road, posing a hazard to drivers.

Road Trains

Road trains are long, multi-trailer trucks that are commonly used to transport goods in Australia. They can be up to 53.5 meters long and weigh over 100 tonnes. Road trains require a wide turning radius and can take longer to stop than other vehicles, so it is important to be aware of them and give them plenty of space.

To ensure safety when driving in unfamiliar territory, it is advisable to:

  • Be aware of potential hazards and drive defensively.
  • Slow down in areas where wildlife is known to be present.
  • Watch for livestock and be prepared to stop if they are on the road.
  • Give road trains plenty of space and be aware of their turning radius.
  • Obey speed limits and road signs.
  • Take breaks regularly to avoid fatigue.
  • Carry a spare tire, tools, and a first-aid kit in case of emergencies.

Permits and Regulations

To ensure a smooth and legal driving journey across Australia, it is crucial to be aware of and adhere to the necessary permits and regulations.

Obtaining appropriate insurance and vehicle registration is paramount. All vehicles must be registered and insured in the state or territory where they are operated. Additionally, it is advisable to have comprehensive insurance coverage that includes roadside assistance and emergency medical expenses.

Border Crossings and Quarantine Restrictions

Australia has strict border control and quarantine regulations to prevent the introduction of pests and diseases. When crossing state or territory borders, it is mandatory to declare all food, plant material, and animal products. Failure to do so may result in fines or confiscation of items.

Quarantine restrictions apply to both domestic and international travelers. It is prohibited to bring certain items into Australia, such as fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, and dairy products. For detailed information on quarantine regulations, refer to the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment website.

The vastness of Australia means that driving across it can take a significant amount of time. For those interested in embarking on this epic journey, it’s essential to plan for an extended period on the road. To break up the monotony of the drive, consider exploring the diverse culinary traditions of the regions you pass through.

For instance, if you find yourself in Romania, be sure to indulge in the delectable romanian breakfast recipes . These hearty and flavorful dishes will provide a much-needed boost before continuing your adventure across the sprawling Australian landscape.

Budget and Expenses

Driving across Australia can be a costly endeavor, but with careful planning and preparation, you can save money and reduce expenses.

Fuel Costs

Fuel is one of the biggest expenses when driving across Australia. The price of fuel varies depending on the location and time of year, but you can expect to pay around $1.50-$2.00 per liter. To estimate your fuel costs, calculate the distance you will be driving and multiply it by the fuel consumption of your vehicle.

Accommodation Costs

Accommodation costs can vary widely depending on the type of accommodation you choose. Camping is the most affordable option, but you will need to factor in the cost of camping fees and equipment. Motels and hotels are more expensive, but they offer more comfort and convenience.

Food Costs

Food costs will also vary depending on your eating habits. If you cook your own meals, you can save money by shopping at local grocery stores. Eating out at restaurants can be more expensive, but it is a good way to experience the local cuisine.

Other Expenses, How long to drive across australia

In addition to fuel, accommodation, and food, you will also need to factor in the cost of other expenses, such as vehicle maintenance, repairs, and tolls.

Strategies for Saving Money

There are a number of ways to save money when driving across Australia. Here are a few tips:

  • Travel during the off-season.
  • Camp instead of staying in hotels or motels.
  • Cook your own meals instead of eating out.
  • Take advantage of free activities, such as hiking and swimming.
  • Look for discounts and coupons on fuel, accommodation, and food.

Finding Affordable Accommodations and Meals

There are a number of ways to find affordable accommodations and meals when driving across Australia. Here are a few tips:

  • Use online resources, such as Airbnb and Couchsurfing, to find affordable accommodations.
  • Look for discounts and coupons on hotel and motel websites.
  • Cook your own meals instead of eating out.
  • Take advantage of free meals, such as those offered at hostels and campgrounds.

Points of Interest and Attractions

Driving across Australia offers a unique opportunity to explore a vast and diverse landscape, rich in natural wonders, cultural heritage, and vibrant cities. Along the various driving routes, numerous landmarks, national parks, and other points of interest beckon travelers to venture off the beaten path and immerse themselves in the beauty and history of this extraordinary continent.

The following are just a few of the many notable attractions that await those who embark on a cross-country road trip in Australia:

Uluru (Ayers Rock)

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Uluru is a massive sandstone monolith located in the heart of the Northern Territory. Its iconic red-orange hue and spiritual significance to the local Aboriginal people make it a must-see for any traveler to Australia.

Visitors can take guided tours to learn about the cultural importance of Uluru, hike around its base, or simply marvel at its awe-inspiring presence from a distance.

Great Barrier Reef

Stretching for over 2,300 kilometers along the coast of Queensland, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world. It is home to an incredible diversity of marine life, including over 1,500 species of fish, 400 species of coral, and 4,000 species of mollusks.

Visitors can snorkel or dive to experience the vibrant underwater world of the reef, or take a boat tour to see it from above.

Sydney Opera House

One of the most recognizable landmarks in Australia, the Sydney Opera House is a masterpiece of modern architecture. Its unique sail-like design has become synonymous with the city of Sydney and is a popular tourist destination. Visitors can take guided tours of the opera house, attend a performance, or simply admire its beauty from the outside.

Blue Mountains

Located just west of Sydney, the Blue Mountains are a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for their stunning scenery. The mountains are home to a variety of hiking trails, waterfalls, and lookouts, offering visitors a chance to experience the natural beauty of Australia’s bushland.

Visitors can also take a scenic train ride through the mountains, or visit the Jenolan Caves, a series of underground caves with beautiful limestone formations.

Kakadu National Park

Kakadu National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Northern Territory. It is home to a diverse range of landscapes, including wetlands, rainforests, and escarpments. The park is also home to a rich Aboriginal cultural heritage, with many rock art sites and sacred places.

Visitors can take guided tours to learn about the park’s natural and cultural history, or simply explore it on their own.

These are just a few of the many points of interest that await travelers who drive across Australia. With so much to see and do, it is impossible to experience it all in one trip. However, by carefully planning your route and allowing plenty of time for detours, you can create a truly unforgettable road trip adventure.

Closing Summary

Driving across Australia is an experience that combines the exhilaration of open roads with the opportunity to immerse yourself in the country’s stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. With careful planning, preparation, and a spirit of adventure, you can embark on a road trip that will create lasting memories and leave you with a profound appreciation for the vastness and diversity of Australia.


What is the approximate distance involved in driving across Australia?

The total distance can vary depending on the route taken, but it is approximately 14,000 kilometers (8,700 miles).

How long does it take to drive across Australia?

The driving time can vary depending on factors such as the route, weather, and rest stops, but it typically takes around 10-14 days to complete the journey.

What are the major routes available for driving across Australia?

The three main routes are the Stuart Highway, the Eyre Highway, and the Great Northern Highway.

What are some of the challenges of driving across Australia?

Some challenges include long distances between towns, extreme weather conditions, and wildlife on the roads.

What are some tips for planning a road trip across Australia?

Plan your route carefully, allow plenty of time for rest stops, and be prepared for unexpected delays.

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